Our team at Pacific Manor Dental is here to help you smile with confidence again. Take our free 2-minute quiz to see if implants are right for your smile!
Getting an implant involves a minor surgical procedure, during which your dentist will insert the implants into your jawbone. Be sure to follow the post-operative care instructions we provide you with to ensure a comfortable recovery. However, you will receive sedation and anesthesia during your procedure to make sure you that are relaxed and comfortable.
Dental implants take several months to receive. You can expect to visit our office 3-4 times during your dental implant treatment experience. The full process includes your initial consultation, treatment planning, surgery, and follow-ups to check on your progress.
Dental implants are made from titanium. Titanium metal is strong, long-lasting, and biocompatible. This means that it fuses with your jawbone. Once placed in your mouth, the implants are absorbed by your jawbone, creating a permanent fusion with the implant and providing a stable, natural support for your artificial teeth.
Yes, our team offers anesthesia and sedation options for patients undergoing implant surgery, including IV sedation and in-office general anesthesia.
It’s important to replace a tooth that has been removed or lost as soon as possible. Missing teeth make it difficult to properly eat your food, leading to digestive problems and nutritional deficiencies. After you lose a tooth, your jaw will also begin to shrink, which will cause your facial muscles to sag.